Residential Services
More Maitri Inc.’s residential program is approved by the Colorado Department of Health Care Policy & Financing and is funded through the Medicaid Home and Community-Based Services Waiver. We believe that all individuals have fundamental rights and responsibilities, including the right to live in the least restrictive environment possible to foster independence and active participation in society. In support of this philosophy, More Maitri Inc. offers the following options:
Personal Care Alternatives (PCAs)
More Maitri provides residential services in Personal Care Alternative (PCA) settings, which are apartment-based or home-based environments serving three or fewer individuals. At this time, we offer only independent apartment settings. Although not continuously staffed, these apartments are supervised by Maitri staff to ensure individuals are safe while pursuing independent living and personal growth.
Host Homes
Host Homes offer individuals with intellectual disabilities the opportunity to live with a provider or family in a household setting. There are several different options available to accommodate various needs. For more information, please contact More Maitri Inc.
If you would like to talk about whether a PCA or Host Home is right for you, please call:
(303) 482-1339
More Maitri, Inc.
720 W 84th Ave Suite 224
Thornton, CO 80260